11.11 12bet手机端app官网外文系·喜迎百年校庆系列学术演讲

题目:Dwelling in Possibility: A Cognitive Poetics Approach to the Poetry of Emily Dickinson

演讲人:Margaret H. Freeman, Professor Emeritus of Los Angeles Valley College

Co-Director of Myrifield Institute for Cognition and the Arts

时间:2010年11月11日 (周四)10:00-12:00



演讲者简介:Margaret H. Freeman is Professor Emeritus of Los Angeles Valley College and a Co-Director of Myrifield Institute for Cognition and the Arts, a think tank for research in the cognitive sciences and the creative arts located in Heath, Massachusetts (http://myrifield.org). She was a founding member of the Emily Dickinson International Society (http://www.emilydickinsoninternationalsociety.org/), and served as its first president from 1988 to 1992. She has published many articles in journals and anthologies in the area of cognitive aesthetics, with especial focus on poetry (for a selection of papers, see http://ssrn.com/author=1248859). She is currently at work on two books:Cognitive Aesthetics: Poetic Iconicity, andReading Emily Dickinson: A Cognitive Guide. She resides at Myrifield, where she hosts monthly meetings of the Emily Dickinson Reading Circle, with her husband, Don, and border collie, Moss.

This talk is a discussion of cognitive poetics as aesthetic expression in experiencing a poetic text.

Poems:The birds reported from the south; I’ve nothing else to bring; If she had been the mistletoe; I hide myself; Upon a lilac sea; Our journey had advanced; On this wondrous sea; A bird came down the walk; The soul has bandaged moments; Safe in their alabaster chambers.