

报告人:Kate-Darian Smith教授,澳大利亚墨尔本大学澳大利亚中心主任,澳大利亚社会科学院院士

Lecture 1:Introducing Australia: Land, Environment and Indigenous Peoples

时间:4月11日(周一)下午3:15—5:15 地点:外文系文南楼116

Lecture 2:European Settlers and Aborigines: the colonization of Australia

时间:4月12日(周二)下午3:15—5:15 地点:外文系文南楼116

Lecture 3:Aboriginal Australians and the State

时间:4月13日(周三)下午3:15—5:15 地点:外文系文南楼116

Lecture 4:Citizenship and Identity in Contemporary Australia

时间:4月14日(周四)下午3:15—5:15 地点:外文系文南楼116

Lecture 5:Australian Indigenous Culture Today

时间:4月15日(周五)上午9:50—11:30 地点:六教6B209

Kate-Darian Smith教授简介:

Professor Kate Darian-Smith is Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Director of the Australian Centre, Deputy Dean of School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne and contributes to the History and Australian Studies programs, with a long-term interest in cross-disciplinary research. She has published widely on war and Australian society, memory and history, museum studies, comparative colonial discourse, community and childhood in post war Australia, and rural cultural studies. Her recent publications include On the Home Front: Melbourne in Wartime 1939-1945 (second edition 2009)and co-editor of Seize the Day: Australia, Exhibitions and the World (2008). She is responsible for many research assessments in Australia: Major Research Grant Assessor: ARC International Assessor (1998-5); ARC Australian Assessor (from 2006); reviewer of ARC ERA Journal rankings (2008-9) for historical studies. From 2004: selection panel Australian Studies Projects, Australia-China Council/DFAT. Academic Reader and Assessor: Academic assessment for journals including: Australian Historical Studies, Journal of Australian Studies, Cultural Studies Review, Journal of Urban Research, Aboriginal History, Labour History, Women’s History Review, Media International Australia, War and Society. Assessor for book manuscripts for major academic publishers here and overseas. Editorial Advisory Boards (current only): Meanjin (from 1998; Chair 2000-7); Journal of Australian Studies (from 1995); Australian Historical Studies (Reviews Editor from 2006); History Compass (from 2008). In 2010, Kate was again the recipient of the University of Melbourne Award for Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision, and an Australian Teaching and Learning Council Citation for her contribution to research training.
