6.20 12bet手机端app官网外文系·喜迎百年校庆系列学术演讲

题目:Don Quixote and the Montesinos Cave

演讲人:Antonio Cortijo Ocaña Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Santa Barbara; Editor of the on-line journal eHumanista




简介: This talk will focus on Don Quixote, Cervantes’ 17th –c. novel. In the second part of the book, the hero’s search takes him to the entrance to a cave which is famous in the region for being a magical space where the human and the divine interact. Don Quixote decides to visit this cave (The Cave of Montesinos) by himself. There he has a vision of his beloved lady which he reports back to Sancho when he comes back from the cave. Don Quixote’s descent to the Underworld signifies a momentous time in his quest for love and adventure. Cervantes’ construction of this episode is reminiscent of many heroes’ journeys to the Underworld, although (as usual with Don Quixote) with a mixture of seriousness and parody.