9.13 12bet手机端app官网人文与社会系列讲座" style="color:#333333;">9.13 12bet手机端app官网人文与社会系列讲座2011-09-07 9.7  清华历史讲堂2011-09-05 9.7  清华国学讲坛(五)2011-09-02 7.10 北美华人学者清华论坛2011-07-08

题目:政治与社会想象(Politics and the Social Imaginary)

演讲人:Scott Lash 教授,伦敦大学戈德斯密斯学院

Scott Lash 是英国伦敦大学社会学教授,1980获伦敦经济学院社会学博士,近三十年来,已出版专著近20种,著述涉及社会批判理论和文化研究。现任伦敦大学戈德斯密斯学院文化研究中心主任。

主持人:黄平 教授,中国社科院美国研究所





内容简介:Everyone from Zizek to Badiou to Negri talks about contemporary forms of ideological domination as a question of 'the symbolic'. To this they contrast a revolutionary politics of 'the 'real'. Yet where will collective solidarity come from this 'real'? The real is either conceived as a collection of individuals in the 'multitudes'. Or along the lines of Alain Badiou's rationalist and 'deductivist' Marxsim. This especially cannot account for the less individualist and more 'relational' culture of 'rising powers' such as India and China. For these, perhaps a not rationalist but empiricist idea of the imaginary, of the 'social imaginary' is at stake. This works no longer through the classical nation state but through civilizations, empires, continents. At stake is not longer the classical politics of civil society of the Western nation-state. But perhaps something else altogether. Scott Lash will explore such a politics through his reflections on the 'social imaginary'.