9.24 12bet手机端app官网外文系·喜迎百年校庆系列学术演讲:Writing the...
题目:Writing the West from Within: A Talk on Chinese American Literature
演讲人:RUSSELL C. LEONG 粱志英教授
Russell Charles Leong (born September 7, 1950) is an academic editor, a professor, a writer, and Chen Taichiquan instructor. He is currently an adjunct professor English and Asian-American studies at the University of California at Los Angeles. Leong is the also the editor of Amerasia, a literary critic, and project coordinator for the U.S.-China media brief.
梁志英 (Russell Leong):活跃在亚裔或者华裔文坛上的一位才华焕发的多面手,他是出手不凡的小说家,他的处女作短篇小说集《凤眼及其它故事》(Phoenix Eyes and Other Stories)(2000)被《洛杉矶时报》选为2000年最佳小说之一(汉译版为台北麦田出版的《凤眼》),获2001年美国图书奖。另一方面,他又是一位锐敏异常的文学评论家,他长期担任作为亚太美国学的集学术、批评和文学为一体的唯一大型杂志《亚美杂志》主编,他对其他作家的评价总是入木三分,恰如其分。他更是对诗歌创作十分着迷的诗人,他的诗集《梦尘》(The Country of Dreams and Dust)(1993)获约瑟芬•迈尔斯文学奖(1994)。另著有My Chinatown A to Z、诗歌、小说、回忆录等作品多种。综观他的创作、文学活动、政治理念和诗歌美学,我们发现入世和出世这一对矛盾体明显地组合在他的诗歌里。