题目:Visualizing the architecture and texture of a text: a case study of the remarks by President Obama and President Hu at the China State dinner on 19 January 2011
演讲人:Jonathan Webster, Head of Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and Director of The Halliday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies, City University of Hong Kong
时间:2012年3月28日(周三)下午3:30 - 5:30
作家介绍: Professor Jonathan Webster is Head of Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and Director of The Halliday Centre for Intelligent Applications of Language Studies, City University of Hong Kong. He has led and completed eight research projects and currently conducts a project entitled “Data is Beautiful: Visualization in the Humanities, which has proposed a cross-disciplinary course which brings together linguists, media artists, designers and computer scientists to apply state-of-the-art visualization techniques to textual data, exploring why visualization not only looks good but is a potent tool for analysis.
Professor Jonathan Webster is a productive writer and editor. He has produced more than 140 papers in books, journals or proceedings. He is the writer or editor of 19 books. For example, he is Editor ofLinguistics and the Human Sciencesand Editor forLanguage and Realitypresenting the selected writings of Professor Sydney M. Lamb. He is also the Series Editor for the 7 volume series onThe Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan. He is best known as the Series Editor for the 10 volume series onThe Collected Works of Professor M.A.K. Halliday, published by Continuum(London). This series was described in a review in the Times Literary Supplement as “a major enterprise comparable to a grand retrospective of the paintings of some prominent artist of a distinctive school.”