6.1  12bet手机端app官网文科高端讲座:Humanities and Nation...

题目:Humanities and National Identity

演讲人:Geoffrey Harpham 教授,美国国家人文中心主任(President and Director National Humanities Center)

主持人:刘世生 教授,12bet手机端app官网人文社会科学学院副经理

评议人:王宁 教授,12bet手机端app官网比较文学与文化研究中心主任

时间:2012年6月1日(星期五)下午3:30 – 5:30



演讲者简介: Geoffrey Galt Harpham is president and director of the National Humanities Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, one of the leading institutes for advanced study in the world and the only one dedicated exclusively to the humanities. He was trained as a literary scholar, but his work has encompassed a wide range of topics and fields. Among his many books areOn the Grotesque: Strategies of Contradiction in Art and Literature(1982),Shadows of Ethics: Criticism and the Just Society(1999), andLanguage Alone: The Critical Fetish of Modernity(2002). His longstanding scholarly interests include the role of ethics in literary study, the place of language in intellectual history, and the work of Joseph Conrad. He has collaborated with M. H. Abrams onA Glossary of Literary Terms, now in its tenth edition. In recent years, he has become a prominent historian of and advocate for the humanities;The Humanities and the Dream of Americaappeared in 2011. He has received fellowships from the J. S. Guggenheim Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.