3.11 外文系学术讲座" style="color:#333333;">3.11 外文系学术讲座2013-03-01
3.5 外文系学术讲座2013-02-27
2.28 12bet手机端app官网新人文讲座系列之(十三):生态文明与美丽中国第1讲2013-02-25
12.26 清华历史讲堂2012-12-21
题目:Reflecting China out of China?
演讲人:Qiu Xiaolong(裘小龙)美国著名华裔作家,华盛顿大学人文中心顾问
时间:2013年3月11日(星期一)下午3:30 – 5:30
演讲者简介:Qiu Xiaolong is the author of eight novels in the award-winning Inspector Chen series. He has also published collections of short stories, poetry, and poetry translations. His books have sold over a million copies, and have been translated into more than twenty languages. Born in Shanghai, China, Qiu Xiaolong published poetry, translation and criticism in Chinese before he went to the United States as a Ford Foundation Fellow. He obtained Ph. D. in comparative literature at Washington University. He lives in St. Louis with his wife and daughter.
裘小龙,以英文创作的著名华裔小说家,诗人。1953年生于上海,毕业于北京外国语大学, 1988年获福特基金会奖学金资助入读美国圣路易斯市华盛顿大学,1996年获比较文学博士学位后一直留校任教至今。80年代曾以中文创作诗歌、撰写评论及从事翻译。90年代曾出版反映中国巨大变迁的惊悚侦探小说。赴美留学期间,用英语开始小说创作。2000年发表处女作长篇英文推理小说Death of a Red Heroine(《红英之死》),相继入围由美国推理作家协会创办的爱伦•坡推理小说大奖和白芮推理小说奖,翌年荣获安东尼处女小说佳作奖(the Anthony Award for best first novel),即第三十二届世界推理小说大奖。之后陆续推出以刑侦队长陈操探案为题材的系列小说,其作品已被译成20多种语言,在法国、德国、意大利、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、中国、日本等多国出版发行。