一、学术工作坊主题:Writing Critical and Scholarly Articles in English
时 间: 2014年10月21日(周二)下午1:30-3:30
地 点:文南楼204会议室
二、演讲题目:The Heyday of the Short Story
主讲人:Marshall Brown,美国西雅图华盛顿大学比较文学教授,Modern Language Quarterly主编
时 间:2014年10月21日(周二)下午3:40-5:30
地 点:文南楼116会议室
演讲者简介:Marshall Brown is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Washington, where he has edited Modern Language Quarterly since 1991. He has written extensively on European literature of the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as on literary history and on local cosmopolitanisms. Music and literature is another focus; he holds an appointment as Adjunct Professor of Music at the University of Washington and has served on the Editorial Boards of bothEighteenth-Century Music and Nineteenth Century Music, and his most recent book, devoted to this area, is"The Tooth that Nibbles at the Soul": Essays on Poetry and Music.