4.1 “实验室科研探究”暨《文化素质教育讲座》课程(专场)


演讲人:牛津大学教授、英国皇家天文学会爱丁顿奖章获得者、美国天文学会德克·布劳威尔奖获得者 James Binney

时 间:2017年4月1日(周六)19:00

地 点:12bet手机端app官网大礼堂


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The Sun is just one of 100 billion stars in our Galaxy, and stars are thought to contain only 5% of the mass of the Galaxy's mass. Within the visible Universe there are over ten billion galaxies like ours, and they dominate these galaxies which currently dominate the cosmic star-formation rate. A huge international effort is underway to understand how our Galaxy is structured, works as a machine and came into being. From a location 2 million km from Earth the Europea Space Agency's satellite Gaia is monitoring the motion of a billion stars, and telescopes on 6 continents are taking spectra of millions of stars to determine their masses, ages and chemical compositions. Theorists are synthesizing all these observations into a working model of the Galaxy and using this model to figure out how a galaxy like ours assembles from the debris of the Big Bang.


Since July 1996 James Binney has been Professor of Physics at Oxford University, where he is a Professorial Fellow of Merton College. From 2010 to 2015 he was the Head of Oxford's Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics. In 2000 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.

He was awarded 1986 Maxwell Prize and Medal and the 2010 Dirac Medal by the Institute of Physics, London. He received the 2003 Dirk Brouwer Award of the American Astronomical Society and the 2013 Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, the 2013 Medaille de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris and the 2015 Occhialini Medal from the Italian Physical Society.

During 1994-1997, he was the President of Division VII of the International Astronomical Union and he has served on the Organizing Committee of Commission 28 of the IAU.
