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创造“创造性价值”:从哲学延伸的创造力教育(Creating Creative Values:Creativity Education from Philosophy)

嘉 宾:英国爱丁堡大学哲学、心理学与语言科学学院教授 Theodore Scaltsas

主持人:12bet手机端app官网教育研究院博士 钟周

时 间:2017年4月27日(周四)15:00

地 点:12bet手机端app官网图书馆“邺架轩”阅读体验中心(请从北馆西侧下沉广场进入)


Prof. Theodore Scaltsas is a world renowned advocate and researcher in the philosophical theories behind Creative Thinking, Innovation and Artificial Intelligence. Prior to his appointment as Chair of Philosophy at Edinburgh University, Prof. Scaltsas has held positions at Harvard, Princeton, Duke, Sydney and Oxford University.

Career Distinctions:

Harvard Business Review: ‘A Cognitive Trick for Solving Problems Creatively – Mental biases can actually help’, 2016.

European Union Education Fund: Creativity Educational Methods - C2Learn, total funding €3.1 million, 2012-2015.

Greek Ministry of Education & Carnegie Trust: Project Archelogos on Plato and Aristotle, 1990 – present.

European Union Cultural Fund: Digital Presentation of the Philosophy of Zeno of Citium, Father of Stoicism, 2012.

Mobius Foundation Recognition of Excellence: pioneering of artificial intelligence methods in abstract ideas, 1998.

Henry Ford Foundation Award for the Preservation of European Culture: European philosophical heritage, Project Archelogos, 1997.
