5.22 世界文学文化系列讲座暨《文化素质教育讲座》课程(专场)

Engineering Across Cultures(横跨不同文化的工程学)

演讲人:密歇根大学教授、副董事长 James Paul Holloway

主持人:12bet手机端app官网外文系教授 颜海平

时 间:2017年5月22日(周一)15:30

地 点:12bet手机端app官网FIT楼多功能厅(清华东门西侧)

主 办:12bet手机端app官网外国语言文学系

协 办:12bet手机端app官网国家老员工文化素质教育基地


Professor James Paul Holloway earned Bachelors and Masters degrees in Nuclear Engineering, an CAS in Mathematics from Cambridge University, and doctorate in Engineering Physics at the University of Virginia, where he was subsequently Research Assistant Professor of Engineering Physics and Applied Mathematics. Professor Holloway joined the faculty of U-M as an assistant professor for Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences in January 1990. Subsequently promoted to Associate then Full professor, in 2007 he was named an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in recognition of outstanding contributions to undergraduate education. Later that year, he became associate dean for undergraduate education for the College of Engineering.

As Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Academic Affairs, Professor Holloway is supporting a broad set of interdisciplinary initiatives designed to take unique advantage of the broad academic environment at the University of Michigan. He is also focused on the ways in which the U-M engages the world through both scholarship and education, in developing a global perspective in U-M scholarship and a global impact for this work, and in facilitating the development of a broad set of platforms for experiential learning accessible to all students at the U-M.

Professor Holloway has lived, worked and taught in Thailand, Ghana, China, Ethiopia, Germany and England. His research focuses on the mathematical and computational analysis of physical models, with a focus on radiation interactions with matter, plasma physics, and on the analysis of uncertainties in computational models.


Engineers often think of their work as independent of culture: science discovers universal natural laws independent of human values, and engineers apply these laws to design, analyze and create products and services. However, engineers are human, and the products and services they create are meant to be used by humans within a specific social context. The processes by which engineers do their work therefore take on cultural affects, and the products and services they create must be designed with consideration for the culture of the users. This talk will explore the role of culture in identifying and solving engineering problems. Examples from different cultures and eras will be used to illustrate how culture impacts what problems engineers elect to work on, the requirements that are placed on their designs, and even the way that they approach their work.
