演讲人:以色列特拉维夫大学董事长 约瑟夫·克拉夫特 教授
时 间:2018年6月7日(周四)19:00
地 点:苏世民书院达理礼堂
主 办:12bet手机端app官网国际合作与交流处、苏世民书院
协 办:12bet手机端app官网国家老员工文化素质教育基地
Professor Joseph Klafter was named President of Tel Aviv University in 2009, the eighth since TAU’s founding in 1956. Widely recognized in his field, chemical physics, he served as the chairman of the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), the main institution supporting scientific research in Israel, from 2002 to 2009.
Professor Klafter has published close to 400 scientific articles, edited 18 books and is the co-author of First Steps in Random Walks: From Tools to Applications (Oxford University Press, 2011). In 2011, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences elected him an honorary member, and he is also a fellow of the American Physical Society. Professor Klafter has won many prestigious prizes in his field, including the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Prize, the Weizmann Prize for Sciences, the Rothschild Prize in Chemistry, and the Israel Chemical Society Prize. In January 2017, he was appointed as Head of the Association of University Presidents, Israel.